the coaching calling card

Many people can’t do this alone. Perhaps you’ve tried things in the past and they haven’t worked. Or perhaps you just don’t know where to start, it all just seems too difficult?

While the best way to make progress is to touch base regularly (why I designed my coaching programmes), I recognise that life can get busy. If you feel like you need some guidance, support or accountability but can’t commit to a full programme, the Coaching Calling Card is for you!

What to expect:

  • choose from 3, 6 or 9 hour calling card.

  • Video (or audio) consultations for advice, support and accountability.

  • book me when it suits you: twice in a week or every couple of months.

  • flexibility to choose 30 minute or 60 minute slots when you book

  • expires after 1 year

Kind words

  • "Change was massive. Huge improvement"

    John C , 12 week package

  • “Nicola has a sensitive, non-judgemental and respectful manner and I felt comfortable discussing my personal and health issues with her. She is extremely knowledgeable and has lots of ideas of different ways to approach diet/health issues. For me Nicola’s approach has worked wonders and I feel more in control of my diet and back to my old self”


  • "besides a calmer stomach….peace of mind that I finally found something that works."

    — Danielle, 12 week package

  • “You have helped me establish new habits and rid myself of many of my old husband says that I am much happier”

    — Client on 12 week package

  • "I have achieved my goal of exercising consistently every morning! This is thanks to higher energy levels as a result of a balanced nutrition programme"

    Client at end of 8 week package

  • "I have less bloating and more definition in my body. I have higher energy levels and more confidence. My sleep, exercise and meal routine have all improved".

    S C, 8 week package

It’s more expensive to stay stuck

What would happen if you did nothing? If everything stays the same?

Think of me as your personal guide that allows you to skip to the front of each queue at each ride at Disneyland. Instead of waiting for 2 hours in each queue, you wait two minutes. So at the end of the day you’ll have completed 20 rides for your money instead of only 5 rides if you’d gone on your own.

In other words you’ll get much further, much faster, than if you did this on your own.

I'll show you the essential steps to finding the energy that lets you live your day as you want...a day that you actually enjoy, where you feel unstoppable!

And importantly, I’ll be here for the inevitable wobbles, where things don’t go according to plan, to help you learn from these moments, dust yourself off and get right back on track.